Using the word "weird" was never forbidden around here. I would always yell at people for being 'offended' by some one saying good luck. Here is how my arguemnt went:
What is wrong with saying good luck?
Reply: We don't beleve in The God of Good Luck.
Isn't there a God of Wine, and a God of Love? Do you believe in wine and love and do you use those words? What is the difference between "time and unforseen occourance" and "luck". "Luck" isn't a god's name so the word is ok to use. Do you use the word "weird"? (Yes, what's wrong with that?) The word "weird" comes from the name "Wyrd", who was one of the three Fates - or a false god. So when you say, "Wow, that was really weird", you are attributing those events to a a false god. So if you're going to tell me not to use words, make sure that you know what the words actually mean.
Of course I said weird all the time and I didn't care if anybody else did either. I just wanted to show people that they didn't know what they wrere talking about.